Friday, January 19, 2018

Be the Experience

The Cure For Boredom

Cracked lips on hot days
Beer cans pop in freezers.
Milk goes sour in hot cars.
The day is at it's zenith
And we're sure we've found the cure
The cure
For boredom;
Hopscotch on dry gravel roads
And watching people walk past
Holding hands and sharing glances.
The blue sky with her fluffy white clouds
Fade out of view
As the diamond encrusted
Black background
Folds in to take over the night.
Deep noises cover the cityscapes.
Booming nightclubs
And staggering drunk pedestrians
Falling hopelessly in love
With the hard, concrete pavements.
And as the cars fly by,
A homeless man dreams
Of big mansions
Made from cardboard and newspaper
And stumbles across a Kruger Rand.
And we think we have
A cure for boredom?